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featscreen is an R package providing ready-to-use functions for straightforward feature screening in both supervised and unsupervised settings.

featscreen is crafted with the overarching goal of simplifying and unifying commonly used screening techniques into a single, accessible R package.

Explore the variety of supervised and unsupervised screening techniques available in featscreen to tailor your feature selection process according to your analysis needs.

The following table provides an overview of the supervised methods currently supported in the package:

category name numerical categorical survival
correlation Kendall’s rank correlation coefficient t-test x
correlation Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient t-test x
correlation Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient t-test x
two-groups two-sample Student’s pooled t-test x
two-groups paired two-sample Student’s t-test x
two-groups two-sample t-test with the Welch modification to the degrees of freedom x
two-groups paired two-sample Wilcoxon signed-rank test x
two-groups two-sample Mann-Whitney U-test x
multi-groups one-way analysis of variance F-test x
multi-groups one-way analysis of variance F-test with Welch correction x
multi-groups Pearson’s χ²-test x
multi-groups Kruskal-Wallis H-test x
survival Cox PH regression coefficient z-test x
biostatistic empirical Bayes moderated F-test x x
biostatistic empirical Bayes moderated t-test x x
biostatistic significant analysis of microarrays permutation test x x x

Continuing our exploration of feature screening capabilities in featscreen, the following table offers insights into the unsupervised screening methods integrated into the package:

name numerical categorical multiresponse survival
above-median frequency ratio x
above-minimum frequency ratio x
median value x
missing value ratio x x x x
variability x


You can install latest development version from GitHub (requires devtools package):

if (!require("devtools")) {

  repo = "alebarberis/featscreen", 
  dependencies = TRUE, 
  build_vignettes = FALSE

Getting started

If you are just getting started with featscreen, we recommend looking at the Getting Started section of the site.


featscreen was conceived, developed, and is maintained by Alessandro Barberis (@alebarberis).


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Prostate Cancer UK for their generous funding, which made it possible for me to develop the first version of this package.