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This function computes the ratio of values above the median for each feature.

See the Details section below for further information.


rowAboveMedianFreqRatio(x, g = NULL)



matrix or data.frame, where rows are features and columns are observations.


(optional) vector or factor object giving the group for the corresponding elements of x.


A vector of length nrow(x) containing the computed ratios. If g is provided, a matrix with ratios for each class as column vectors is returned.


For each observation, the median is computed via colMedians.

Remember that the median across \(n\) elements is defined as:

$$Median = x_\frac{(n+1)}{2}$$

where \(x\) is an ascendingly ordered vector of \(n\) elements, and \(n\) is odd. If \(n\) is even, then the median is computed as:

$$Median = \frac{x_\frac{n}{2}+x_{\frac{(n)}{2}+1}}{2}$$

If g = NULL, for each feature we define an above-median frequency ratio (AMFR) as the number of times the feature value is greater than the sample median divided by the total number of observations:

$$Above-Median Frequency Ratio (AMFR) = \frac{Number of samples where feature is above the sample median}{Total number of observations}$$

If g is provided, the above-median frequency ratio (\(AMFR_{ij}\)) is computed for each group \(j\) as:

$$AMFR_{ij} = \frac{Number of samples in j-th class where feature is above the sample median}{Number of observations in j-th class}$$


Alessandro Barberis



#Define row/col size
nr = 5
nc = 10

x = matrix(
 data = = 100, size = nr*nc, replace = TRUE),
 nrow = nr,
 ncol = nc,
 dimnames = list(

#Grouping variable
g = c(rep("a", nc/2), rep("b", nc/2))

#>  f1  f2  f3  f4  f5 
#> 0.7 0.4 0.9 0.7 0.3 

#AMR by group
rowAboveMedianFreqRatio(x = x, g = g)
#>      a   b
#> f1 1.0 0.4
#> f2 0.2 0.6
#> f3 0.8 1.0
#> f4 1.0 0.4
#> f5 0.0 0.6