This function returns the currently available summary scores.
A data frame with two columns:
- id
the id of the summary score, to be used in the function calls
- name
the name of the summary score
#> id name
#> sum sum Sum
#> weightedSum weightedSum Weighted Sum
#> mean mean Arithmetic Mean
#> trimmedMean trimmedMean Trimmed Mean
#> weightedMean weightedMean Weighted Mean
#> median median Median
#> mode mode Mode
#> midrange midrange Midrange
#> midhinge midhinge Midhinge
#> trimean trimean Trimean
#> iqr iqr Interquartile Range
#> iqm iqm Interquartile Mean
#> mad mad Median Absolute Deviation
#> aad aad Average Absolute Deviation
#> ssgsea ssgsea Single Sample Gene Set Enrichment Analysis
#> gsva gsva Gene Set Variation Analysis
#> plage plage Pathway Level Analysis of Gene Expression
#> zscore zscore Z-Score